Restoration Day
This Saturday was a wonderful day to spend in the woods. We spent the morning spreading grass seed and covering it with hay to beautify the preserve’s perimeter. This will help bring back to life some areas that were recently cleared and mulched .
Thanks to our hardworking volunteers!
Don Miller of Indy Land Stewardship arrived early on his day off to prepare our materials. He brought annual rye and a mix of a fine fescue species known as “no-mow grass.” The rye is a nurse crop—an annual crop used to assist in establishing a perennial crop—that germinates in five days. The permanent mix takes 15 days or more.
Marc Johnson found a way to make larger debris disappear while Patricia Sanders and Kevin McKinney laid down the fine fescue, followed by Marc with the rye.
A team of Kate and Miriam Onuška, Marty, Shiela Dimof, and Jim Plant then rolled out and staked down the hay mats.
Grass seed ready to be spread!
Although overcast, thankfully there was no rain, and the event went off without a hitch. We had a great group of volunteers join us in this effort! Thanks to everyone who came out to help restore the grass. We’ll be back next week to complete the field. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for updates!